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Turned of user registrations but links still exist

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Chevereto Member
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Chevereto version

Description of the issue
The main link in the navigation at the top has gone, but I click the 'start uploading' button on the home page I am prompted to sign in as expected, but also presented with a link to 'sign up' - I'd prefer that link not to be there, but if thats not possible when I click it, it takes me to


which then reports "That page doesn't exist. The requested page was not found."
so if I can't disable it, is there a way to change this text?

When you disable sign-ups you get rid of the "signup" links and the route will return 404. However, it seems that the pop-up message is wrong as it links to /signup (this is a bug).

I will fix this in the next revision.

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