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How can I change Xenforo Upload Image Button Language ?


Chevereto Member
I have a Xenforo base forum platform. I was using some other image server solutions before. Just notice this great application, cheverato and start to investigate it.

I try to read and understand every details shared here and help documents. https://chevereto.com/docs/pup

For Xenforo integration, I have added the following code at "quick_reply_macros" templates and get the following screen.

PUP function is working great with Xenforo, many thanks for this great integration

<script async src="//photoland.io/sdk/pup.js" data-url="https://photoland.io/upload" data-auto-insert="bbcode-embed"data-sibling=".js-attachmentUpload" data-sibling-pos="before"></script>


My question is : How can I change the button language to Turkish ?
I know there is language plugin key options as "data-lang". But the problem is Turkish is not a support one.

When I check "pup.dev.js" and "pup.js" files, I find some codes related with lang support. When I added a new language Turkish as "tr" in these files, does not solve it.

l10n: { "ar":"\u062a\u062d\u0645\u064a\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0635\u0648\u0631", "cs":"Nahr\u00e1t obr\u00e1zky", "de":"Bilder hochalden", "[B]tr" : "Resim Yukle",[/B]

Without using "Manual button binding", how can I change the text of image upload file in Turkish (Upload Images >> Resim Yukle)

Thanks for your interest and support.
Take the base HTML and use it to customize the button (read the docs). Just make sure to change %text with "your language string"

' <a %x type="button" class="%bClass button--link u-jsOnly button button--icon button--icon--preview rippleButton"><span class="button-text">%text</span></a> '
I don't know if it is reported but I have just noticed one thing (may be a bug).

After I have added the necessary code "quick_reply_macros" templates for cheverato integration, I notice that I have to CLICK TWICE to "EDIT" button in order to get edit message mode.

Not a big problem but just want to share it.

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After playing a lot, finally I find the right codes 🙂 Just want to share to help if some one wants to do similar translation in future.

<script async src="//photoland.io/sdk/pup.js" data-url="https://photoland.io/upload" data-auto-insert="bbcode-embed"data-sibling=".js-attachmentUpload" data-sibling-pos="before" data-html='<a %x type="button" class="%bClass button--link u-jsOnly button button--icon button--icon--preview rippleButton"><span class="button-text">Resım Yukle</span></a>'></script>

I don't know if it is reported but I have just noticed one thing (may be a bug).

After I have added the necessary code "quick_reply_macros" templates for cheverato integration, I notice that I have to CLICK TWICE to "EDIT" button in order to get edit message mode.

Not a big problem but just want to share it.


Yes this issue also we have. I have removed PUP code for this issue. Does not know if need separate thread for bug report?
Easiest solution is just add Turkey language there, I will do it for the next revision.
This will be included in v3.10.15 but if you don't want to wait, feel free to use the updated pup code, here: https://demo.chevereto.com/sdk/pup.js?noCache
Hey there, I'm announcing the imminent release of v3.10.15 which will feature the following:

Chevereto v3.10.15 pre-release notes

- Added PUP support for Danish, Polish, Turkey and Ukrainian languages [9937]
- Fixed bug in PUP affecting observed element click event
Working great. Especially many thanks for fixing "clicking twice to edit button" bug 😉

Please change Theo German translation from „Bilder hochalden“ to „Bilder hochladen“

Thanks for that 😀