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Bypassing Duplicate Upload functionality

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💖 Chevereto Fan
For some time now I've mentioned on the forums that occasionally I've seen duplicate images appearing which have identical md5, identical user IP, and uploaded within a few minutes of each other. This should not happen if duplicates are disabled in the dashboard. This is with a normal account (not admin).

Initially I thought this was something to do with PUP as most of my members use use it. I now know it is not but trying to find out why it occurred has been incredably frustrating. Slowly over time I've narrowed it down and it always occurred with jpg's. Further investigation showed it happened with large files. And this is the key, namely because I also have set a "Maximum image size".

Basically if "Maximum image size" is set to a specific size AND "Enable duplicate uploads" is set to "Disabled" then large identical images can be uploaded concurrently (within 24hrs and the same IP). Smaller duplicate images get stopped as expected.

The size for "Maximum image size" I had set was 3840 x 2160

Obviously to test you must use images that are above this size so that they get resized.

I have not tried it with different sizes, however, once "Maximum image size" is reverted back to "0" then it works as expected and duplicates are stopped.
So, the resize function is giving different md5 values. That's awful and means that GD doesn't generate the same results every single time.
No, resized images have the same md5 every time. But subsequent resized images are not detected as duplicates even though the md5 and IP are the same.
I will investigate it.

Confirmed. I will work on this right now.
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