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Script ignores max file size upload settings

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👽 Chevereto Freak
Recently i noticed my chevereto copy has begun to ignore all max file upload size settings, i have assigned like 10M or 100M as limit in site settings + in every php.ini, but script still throws error saying file to big max 2 MB.

But i don't have limit set to 2MB so it seems it's ignoring every setting all of sudden :/ is there a way to fix this? since it's pissing me off.
I'm sorry, but demo doesn't have this issue.

Show me how to reproduce the bug.
I'm sorry, but demo doesn't have this issue.

Show me how to reproduce the bug.
to be honest all i did was upload it to my server and it directely begun to throw File to big - max 2 MB. When my php.ini in root is set to 100M and in servers php.ini also 100M and inside script it's set to 100M as well, but still script throws same error.
Open a Tech support ticket, don't forget to add your server credentials.
I am also having this issue right after recent update. Attached the screenshot. In my case it is only affecting registered users. Guest can upload any size files. I will open support ticket as well with login details to my server.


  • Capture.JPG
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