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Album picture setting menus question.

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Chevereto Member
Some users reported this issue several months ago. Originally I thought it was a browser problem, but it turns out not to be.

When inside an album, if a user tries to load more pages of pictures after the first (by dropping down to load more), the setting menus for those pictures that come after the first page would not properly appear on the correlated pictures. This problem seems to happen for all following pages after the first.

And this would only occur if users try to load more picture by dropping down to load; No similar problem has been observed if a user try to load a different page directly.

And only normal users would experience this problem; admin not be influenced.

And only normal users would experience this problem; admin not be influenced.


I've just tested this and agree with mmybaka. Like he says it doesn't seem to happen with Admin accounts. Sometimes works on page refresh but eventually loses menus after a page or two.
Check this quick fix please.

1. Open /app/routes/route.json.php
2. Search
3. Add after
if ($logged_user && $owner_id && ($owner_id == $logged_user['id'])) $list->setTools(TRUE);
Thanks for the input, I've elaborate a complete patch for this bug and it will be released on next revision.

                        if(!empty($_REQUEST['userid'])) {
                            $owner_id = CHV\decodeID($_REQUEST['userid']);
                            $where .= ($where == '' ? 'WHERE' : ' AND') . ' album_user_id=:album_user_id';
                            $binds[] = array(
                                'param' => ':album_user_id',
                                'value'    => $owner_id

                if(in_array($list_request, ['images', 'albums']) && (CHV\Login::isAdmin() || ($logged_user !== NULL && $owner_id == $logged_user['id']))) {
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