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Which operating system and browser you are using ?
because I tried with my google chrome (latest version) on windows 10 and I can not reproduce your problem.
Thanks, I will check this later on as I've shipped 2 revisions within 3 days. As a matter of fact, for latest revision (released yesterday) I waited one extra day just in case another bug shows up (I should have waited another extra day).

I have to do this since some time ago I got plenty complains for shipping lots of releases within a short timespan.

Thanks for reporting.
There's no "About" button in your video, did you delete all the pages or move the button ?

To answer your question it should be the pop-up in desktop view.

Might be wrong but that page in the video does not look standard to me ??
It happens on personal mode, when you actually focus the input field. It moves the box to the right, it doesn't happen until you click (focus) some input field in that box.
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