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Forgotten password, password reset

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💖 Chevereto Fan
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Chevereto version

Description of the issue
I had a user report that he could not reset a forgotten password. I have tried it and found that there is a problem.

On one of my accounts I clicked on the forgotten password link and was directed to the correct page. An email was sent correctly and clicking on the link in the email correctly took me to the Reset password page. After inserting the new password the page flickered and refreshed. The new password did not function indicating that it had not correctly been reset.

The site is set up as a private site and you have to be a user to view content.
Actually this is a bug and it will get patched in the next revision. No date for it, sorry.
Thanks Rodolfo. We will try to advise users to let us know if they have a problem and manually set a temporary password for them.
In any case, I will fix it asap as it is a must have feature.
Thanks Rodolfo.
Problem fixed in the shortest possible time.
Problem reported, confirmed within 24 hours, and then resolved within the next 48 hours.
Allowing for time zone differences 2 working days from start to finish. Now that's what I call good service!!
Well done🙂
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