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"hreflang" tag is missing


Chevereto Member
According to Google webmaster Tool the chevereto script does not have a hreflang tag. However this tag is important It is therefore necessary that Google detects that these two pages are not duplicate content and it knows what page it should display (depending on the location of the user).
how to add them ?

Thank You
The hreflang support was removed some time ago due to this:

Chevereto doesn't handle "translatable" URLs, the language change is tied to the root URL in the form of this:

This implementation is incompatible with hreflang because it doesn't provide a jump link for each language. Problem is that hreflang requires that thing, so it is totally incompatible with how Chevereto 3 works.

To make it work with Chevereto 3, I need to add a ?lang= observer in each URL, which means add that observer/handler in each route. Totally unpractical, but I think that I could add a global observer at app/loader.php which should handle the redirect.

Please understand that the current status of hreflang is not supported and feature request are closed while I keep working in V4.
