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Multiple image selection after updating to 3.10.6 changed

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Chevereto Member
Hey guys. Is it just on my site or has the option to select multiple images on an album disappeared? If you go to an album and highlight an image, there use to be a box that shows up on the images that you can check, then you can select the action for the images.

Now if I highlight the images, the only thing that shows up is the heart icon at the bottom of the image. There is no longer the option to select the images.

Can someone confirm the same? I disabled the Listing Viewer not sure if that's what caused it.

The listing viewer wasn't compatible with drag-select so I had to remove it.
The listing viewer wasn't compatible with drag-select so I had to remove it.

Thanks @Rodolfo. Is there a way to bring it back? I disabled the listing viewer since my members select multiple images at a time to get the embed codes.

Or is there a way to select multiple embed codes?
I was about to open a thread. but glad, I went over new posts.
It is quiet conventional way to select multiple images from the list to perform actions. I received 5 emails so far from various users about the same.
If there is a way to bring it back, please do. It is a small thing and often goes unnoticed, but comes handy when needed.
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