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Right side icon problem in MY PROFILE view on mobile

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Chevereto Member
I've had a user report they are unable to use the right hand icons on each thumbnail when in MY PROFILE.

They said it was fine before most recent update.

It is ok in desktop view (they appear when you mouseover correctly).

+ In mobile view the icons only seems to appear when the heart (like) icon is clicked (i dont want to have to "like" each photo just to get the select box to show)

+ The heart icon covers the bottom two icons (folder and bin) so they are still unusable.

+ I need to be able to tick the select box (top icon) on each image. Currently the user has to tap "SELECT ALL" and then deselect the images they he does not want selected.

In the attachement ... image 2 in the lest has had the heart icon tapped in order to get the other icons to show... The bottom 2 icons are unusable. There is no other way to get the icons to show in mobile mode (iPhone 7 Plus + Safari) unless the heart icon is tapped.

Tested in both portrait and landscape.

The user who reported it was using Samsung (android)
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Not a bug, this is because you use two colums for mobile listings. You should use one column for mobile.

Dashboard > Settings > Listings
Long press, I will have to keep it visible again seems that no one figured this out.
Not a bug, this is because you use two colums for mobile listings. You should use one column for mobile.

Dashboard > Settings > Listings

I originally had it on 1 column but changed to 2 to see if it helped.. It didn't.

I've tried long pressing lightly and more hard but that just activates iOS functions..

For example a soft long press brings up a card menu and the hard long press triggers the iOS preview web page function (see attachments).

I did manage to get the icons to show once I cancelled the card menu (soft long press) but even then the bottom two icons are covered by the heart and are not tappable.

Hope this info helps.


  • Image-1.jpg
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  • Image-2.jpg
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Done, I removed the OS options and by doing long-press you will be able to see these buttons. I will release this revision very shortly, I will skip the hotfix for now.
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