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Big picture in album listing not opening album

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Chevereto Member
When I click on the big picture in the album listing, nothing happens but I expect opening the album (latest versions IE, FF and Chrome). When I click on one of the 4 smaller pics under the big one, the album is opening. This happens since I installed the latest version of Chevereto. But this happens also at the demo site.
Was about to open a thread for same.

Yes, big main image links but its not clickable.
I can too confirm this.

in /themes/Peafowl/tpl_list_item/album.php and /user/album.php

Add a <span> tag to the image-container like this

    <div class="list-item-image fixed-size">
        <a href="%ALBUM_URL%"> <span class="image-container"</span>

This is a temporary fix until Rodolfo makes a better one.
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I can too confirm this.

in /themes/Peafowl/tpl_list_item/album.php and /user/album.php

Add a <span> tag to the image-container like this

    <div class="list-item-image fixed-size">
        <a href="%ALBUM_URL%"> <span class="image-container"</span>

This is a temporary fix until Rodolfo makes a better one.

    <div class="list-item-image fixed-size">
        <a href="%ALBUM_URL%"> <span class="image-container"></span>

Your code is missing an ankle bracket. Fixed it for you.
Thanks for the temp fix.
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