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Unable to delete "Liked" images

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Da' Pimp

Chevereto Member
So I received this email from a user today:
Message: Hey, Guys, I am having difficulty deleting pix from my “Like” album. I select the photo, then “Delete” Then “Confirm.” And I get the following message…An error occurred. Please try again later. I have been trying for over a week. Any ideas?
So I tried it out on my site and sure enough you cannot delete liked images from your profile.

I then came and tried to delete liked images from the Chevereto demo, here is a screenshot:

**EDIT** You can only delete "Liked" images as an Admin.
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You can't delete liked content if you don't own that content. The delete option shouldn't be there.

The bug is just a "delete" action that is being displayed there.
You can't delete liked content if you don't own that content. The delete option shouldn't be there.

The bug is just a "delete" action that is being displayed there.
user was referring that it won't let you delete liked images from your own profile. Like he uploaded a image then some 1 else liked it and when he wants to delete it thats when message pops up saying "An error occurred, please try again later".

But if he logs in as admin then he can delete it. But user that has picture cannot delete it after another user likes their picture. That's the bug here.
You can't delete content that doesn't belong to you. Period.


The "bug" is just a menu option that shouldn't be there. In fact, liked listing shouldn't have any option besides "unlike" because that listing shows content from several sources. That content could be self-owned, third-party or mixed content so the menu options should be just related to the "like" functionality.

The interpretation that @JakeSully did is totally wrong. I tested and I was able to login as user A and delete a picture that belongs to user A that was liked by user B. In this case, user A wasn't an admin. The problem (like I said) is a menu option that shouldn't be there... A button call if you prefer that term. The backend is doing exactly what it should, is just that the front displays an action that shouldn't be there.
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