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System Notification Emails - Not in Admin's language

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👽 Chevereto Freak
My default language is English. Always has been English. But, when there is a hiccup in the system or external service I get a System Notification email. If I get spammed I know something is really wrong.

If the visitor's language is not English I get the notification in their language.

Subject: Notificación de sistema: Error almacenando archivo en el servidor de almacenamiento externo [https://nickpic.host]

In English it is System notification: Error storing file in external storage server [https://nickpic.host]

Is this a bug?
Yes, this is true for all notification from flood report to external storage failed. I think this was designed to send notification to users in their own language. The system seems to switch itself into users language.
The system sends the notification in the local language (user). That's why you see it in that language because sending it in another language will require re-parsing a the language file.

I think that I will use default language (English) for now.
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