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    • Got a Something went wrong message? Read this guide and provide the actual error. Do not skip this.
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Hide Plugin Text


💖 Chevereto Fan
I'd like to remove the "Plugin" text from the drop down menu. I've looked everywhere and I can't find where to do this. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?

It would be nice to have it as an enable/disable option located here: Dashboard > Settings > Website (similar to Search, Explore, etc).
Comment line #559 in loader.php (Make a backup of the file beforehand)

Line should look like this after editing:
//            array_unshift($pages_visible, $plugin_page);

This will be configurable via Dashboard in the next version. If you are not comfortable with editing files on your server, simply wait for the next release.
What if we want to keep it, but just want to move it down a few spots?

So, instead of this:

We can have this:

I tried my best, but couldn't find it. :/ Tried loader, header, etc.
Damn it...in front of my face the whole time. I even searched "Plugin" :/ But, I would have never known to "use array_push or replace L557 with just $pages_visible[] = $plugin_page;"

I cannot thank you enough.
if you don't want to use plugin then you can disable plugin directly in admin panel.

just go to Settings --> Additional Settings --> Plugin Route.

Change it from Enabled to Disabled and then click save.

After that plugin In menu to top right is then gone.