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[4.2.0] Content tags

Are tags for albums or for each picture? Can all users be able to modify and review in the background?
Without the tags, it's next to impossible to search images.
That's not accurate. If the search is awful then how you explain these results?


^ All these pics have a description that reads "From the movie Scarface".

The search could be improved, but that's not reason to spread misinformation about what users can expect about the system neither it helps to focus the discussion in the actual topic: Support tags.
If the file names or description doesn't mention Scarface, I can't explain it.

But a tagging system would make the search even better.
Search works using fulltext index on filename, title and description. Long as "scarface" is there it will match.

a tagging system would make the search even better
👍 Sure, is part of the stuff required to improve search in the future.
Update: Tags are in advanced development status and will be available in v4.2.0