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Cant install chevereto v4 (no image lib)


Chevereto Member
👉 Run our Container based provisioning and document the settings and context that trigger the alleged bug.

*️⃣ Make sure to test the bug in the Docker infra, let us know whatever the bug happens (or not) there.

▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Chevere\Throwable\Exceptions\ErrorException thrown in /home/u561819161/domains/sotomontes.net/public_html/img/app/legacy/load/integrity-check.php:102
😢 Unexpected result

Undefined array key ""

# Incident ID:6224f467418b4

# Time
2022-03-06T17:50:31+00:00 [1646589031]

📃 Error log message
# Stack trace
#0 /home/u561819161/domains/sotomontes.net/public_html/img/app/legacy/load/integrity-check.php:102 {main}()
#1 /home/u561819161/domains/sotomontes.net/public_html/img/app/src/Legacy/functions.php:994 require_once(string(length=91))
#2 /home/u561819161/domains/sotomontes.net/public_html/img/app/legacy/entrypoints/index.php:24 Chevereto\Legacy\loaderHandler()
#3 /home/u561819161/domains/sotomontes.net/public_html/img/index.php:12 require_once(string(length=88))


  • beta chevereto.png
    beta chevereto.png
    83 KB · Views: 7
There's two situations here:

1. PHP is reporting that you aren't providing imagick / gd.
2. Chevereto isn't indicating (1)

That's why it looks like any random error (undefined array key), try to provide php-gd and/or php-imagick and it should work for you.