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Animated WebP is not Supported

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💖 Chevereto Fan
Hi There,

I see in the web server log that "Animated WebP is not Supported". I can see that there is a thread about it and it is already patched.

We are using ImageMagick and not GD. Will it work or it is a bug?

Content from Log:

2021/09/16 01:49:27 [error] 174604#174604: *422 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message:
Aw, snap! Internal Server Error [debug @ error_log]

** errorId #e0588f2daf4525e2 **
>> CHV\UploadException [314]: Animated WebP is not supported
At /app/lib/classes/class.upload.php:409

Stack trace:
#0 /app/lib/classes/class.upload.php(97): CHV\Upload->validateSourceFile()
#1 /app/lib/classes/class.image.php(504): CHV\Upload->exec()
#2 /app/lib/classes/class.image.php(646): CHV\Image::upload()
#3 /app/routes/route.json.php(90): CHV\Image::uploadToWebsite()
#4 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(230): G\Handler->{closure}()
#5 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(130): G\Handler->processRequest()
#6 /app/web.php(412): G\Handler->__construct()
#7 /app/loader.php(230): require_once('/app/web.php')
#8 /index.php(20): include_once('/app/loader.php')"

The image I have used

It is not a bug when the system explicit don't support that format:


I don't remember why this was blocked, you mentioned a topic kindly link it.
Not sure whether these threads have any connectivity with the error we are discussing. But still linking them.

Seems like WebP has lot different kind of versions and need patches for it.
It's unrelated. Previous issue was that webp with transparency was being detected as animated, which got patched.

Support for animated webp hasn't happened yet.
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