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Embed Link Issue

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💖 Chevereto Fan
Uploading multiple images generate only one link

▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Goto upload page of the website - https://demo.chevereto.com/upload
  2. Click upload and choose two images and press upload
  3. You will get only one link instead of two links
😢 Unexpected result

You will get only one link instead of two. It is affecting all the sites in production.
As the issue is severe, which makes the site not usable, hope there will be a hotfix or update (3.20.12) that will goes live today.

It will cause a severe impact on the site gettings 1000s of visitors daily and losing 1000s of new users too.
As the issue is severe, which makes the site not usable, hope there will be a hotfix or update (3.20.12) that will goes live today.
I won't go that far to say "the site not usable", neither severe as this doesn't compromise anything security-wise.

This has been already patched and pending release (V3.20.12), check the hotfix in case you want to patch it asap.
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