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[3.20] Homepage cover image no longer responsive


Chevereto Member

I don't know if it was reported yet but the homepage cover photo (wide image) no longer adjust to the screen when accessing site on mobile.

Please try on the real browser if you can and with another image.
I'm sorry but that's impossible, I don't use Apple hardware at all. I believe that this was already reported, I'm afraid that we need a user driven patch.
I use Chrome... And Firefox... No issue on my end. Sorry.Screenshot_20210604_153336_org.mozilla.firefox.jpg
Also happen on the demo.


  • Coqueto [3.20.2] demo - Chevereto image hosting.png
    Coqueto [3.20.2] demo - Chevereto image hosting.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 11
I think this problem is only on iPhone.I have the same problem on my iPhone, but it is normal on my Android phone.
This problem should also occur on Desktop Chrome. If the user is not logged in (guest), there is no such problem. If logged in, it will recur
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Dear users, the problem seems to be Apple related. Again, I'm sorry but I don't use any apple device. I can't test this, I can't fix this.

You must provide me with the CSS fix for this. If you don't find a fix on your own I will have to mount a hackintosh or get someone to borrow me a computer to test. In any case, that will take weeks to happen.

Again, I strongly suggest to users to find a solution for this, my hands are tied.
I've managed to replicate this on Linux, I'm working on the issue.
