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  • Chevereto Support CLST

    Support response

    Support checklist

    • Got a Something went wrong message? Read this guide and provide the actual error. Do not skip this.
    • Confirm that the server meets the System Requirements
    • Check for any available Hotfix - your issue could be already reported/fixed
    • Read documentation - It will be required to Debug and understand Errors for a faster support response

Homepage in Dashboard no longer editable


👽 Chevereto Freak
▶ Reproduction steps
  1. attempt to change any cover image in dashboard/homepage
  2. get error
😢 Unexpected result

to save and not error out

📃 Error log message

I had to manually run the sql all went well except for the logo_image_homepage field.

Aw, snap!
Internal Server Error [debug @ print,error_log] - https://v3-docs.chevereto.com/setup/troubleshoot/debug.html

** errorId #434650ad1e0392a5 **
OutOfBoundsException [0]: Invalid key logo_image_homepage
At /app/lib/functions.php:612

Stack trace:
#0 /app/routes/route.dashboard.php(1024): CHV\upload_to_content_images(Array, 'logo_image_homepage')
#1 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(230): G\Handler->{closure}(G\Handler)
#2 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(130): G\Handler->processRequest()
#3 /app/web.php(411): G\Handler->__construct(Array)
#4 /app/loader.php(230): require_once('/app/web.php')
#5 /index.php(20): include_once('/app/loader.php')

Aw, snap! Internal Server Error [debug @ print,error_log] - https://v3-docs.chevereto.com/setup/troubleshoot/debug.html

** errorId #609f99b74b9ef9a8 **
OutOfBoundsException [0]: Invalid key homepage_cover_image_0
At /app/lib/functions.php:612

Stack trace:
#0 /app/routes/route.dashboard.php(1024): CHV\upload_to_content_images(Array, 'homepage_cover_image_0')
#1 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(230): G\Handler->{closure}(G\Handler)
#2 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(130): G\Handler->processRequest()
#3 /app/web.php(411): G\Handler->__construct(Array)
#4 /app/loader.php(230): require_once('/app/web.php')
#5 /index.php(20): include_once('/app/loader.php')

Last edited:
Same here
[Tue Jun 01 08:10:16.188157 2021] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 30256:tid 140598751885056] [client xxx:xxx] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: \nAw, snap! Internal Server Error [debug @ error_log] - https://v3-docs.chevereto.com/setup/troubleshoot/debug.html\n\n** errorId #8ebfefb3afc327b6 **\n>> OutOfBoundsException [0]: Invalid key homepage_cover_image_add\nAt /app/lib/functions.php:612\n\nStack trace:\n#0 /app/routes/route.dashboard.php(1024): CHV\\upload_to_content_images()\n#1 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(230): G\\Handler->{closure}()\n#2 /lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(130): G\\Handler->processRequest()\n#3 /app/web.php(411): G\\Handler->__construct()\n#4 /app/loader.php(230): require_once('/app/web.php')\n#5 /index.php(20): include_once('/app/loader.php')\n', referer: https://nfhost.me/dashboard/settings/homepage