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Custom theme colour ignored in login/signup


Chevereto Member
▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Set a custom theme colour to other than blue
  2. Go to Login or Signup page
😢 Unexpected result

The custom colour is ignored by input field bottom borders (active) and login button (hover). They remain blue.

📃 Error log message

▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Set a custom theme colour to other than blue
  2. Go to Login or Signup page
😢 Unexpected result

The custom colour is ignored by input field bottom borders (active) and login button (hover). They remain blue.

📃 Error log message

seems to look fine to me? I see orange/yellowish color in field and on button.
Thanks for reporting, I have patched the active color for login/signup now.


This will be included in v3.19