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All albums shown under sub albums


Chevereto Member
🎯Description of the issue

All albums are being shown when clicking the "Sub albums" tab under any album.

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Go to any album.
  2. Select the "Sub albums" tab.
😢Unexpected result

Instead of only the album's sub albums, ALL albums will be displayed.


I guess it has something to do with this string at the end of the url: ?sort=name_asc&page=1

The Sub albums tab links to: https://foto.fweise.de/album/rio-do-sul.eeq/sub/?sort=name_asc&page=1

If I go to https://foto.fweise.de/album/rio-do-sul.eeq/sub/ instead, it works properly.
Last edited:
Probably a bug affecting the personal mode. Will check for the new revision.
I've confirmed the bug, for now try to use classic pagination to avoid this issue. The patch will be available in the next revision.
This has been patched at the demo. The patch will be included in the next revision.