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Chevereto oEmbed provider shows site's landing page instead of image


Chevereto Member
🎯Description of the issue

Chevereto oEmbed provider shows site's landing page instead of (nsfw) image when using social sharing buttons.

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Upload a NSFW image.
  2. Try to share it on Twitter using the built-in Twitter sharing button.
  3. Twitter link preview shows site's landing-page background instead of the image.
😢Unexpected result

I would expect the image to be shown regardless whether it's flagged NSFW or not.

I have a use-case for this.

At the very least please make this a configurable option. It's up to the user to comply with a sites' terms and conditions for the content they upload, not the image host.

📃Error log message

Hi there,

I'm unable to replicate this, see example.

Can you provide an URL where I can see this problem happening?
That's because the consent screen, I will take a look at it.
I've fixed this one, the patch will be released in the next revision.