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Cannot add HTTP S3 Endpoint as external storage


Chevereto Member
🎯Description of the issue

When trying to add S3 Compatible external storage it fails if the endpoint is http:// and not https://

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Goto Settings - External Storage - Add S3 Compatible storage
  2. Under Endpoint, use a http:// URL
😢Unexpected result

Wont allow you to save endpoint. Error displays, "please match the format requested". If I use https:// instead in the URL the endpoint is accepted.

📃Error log message

[Provide any relevant error log entry. You may check our documentation for help on this]
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So you don’t support HTTP endpoints? Can I ask why? If the S3 object storage supports it, why would t you want to?
Just checked your documentation and it states you support any compatible bucket that follows the S3 standard, however the S3 standard supports both http and https?
I believe that is just an inherited requirement as Amazon S3 requires HTTPS so the requirement just got sneaked there. I will check it out.

Anyway, why don't implement https?
It seems that is just the form, you should open the web browser inspector, alter the pattern for matching pattern="https://.*" to pattern="http://.*"

But I believe that it won't work because by default the SDK use the https scheme:


So at app/lib/classes/class.storage.php you need to add the scheme to the $factoria array.
I changed form_storage_edit.php to allow either http or https endpoints by changing
pattern="https://.*" to pattern="https?://.+"

and tested it works against both a http and https target