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Watermark applied before image resizing


Chevereto Member
🎯Description of the issue

I found out that the watermark is applied before the image has resized. In that way, my watermark does not fit at all.
I set up the max size of the image, so keeping it in mind, I should be able to create a watermark that fits perfectly to the size of the picture. However, the watermark is applied to the original size of the image. Example: I set up the max-width size as 1200px, and the watermark has the same size. So, If I upload a photograph with more than the watermark's size, the watermark is applied over the original image, and then it is resized. The watermark of 1200px has applied over a 2000px of width image size.

How the software works:
  1. Upload
  2. Set the watermark
  3. Resize the image

My suggestion that how it should work:
  1. Upload
  2. Resize the image
  3. Set the watermark

If the system works in that way, my watermark will fit any image uploaded.

Why? Because I can have control of the size of the image, and then I can set up a watermark that fits on it. Otherwise, it's impossible to control the setting up of the watermark.
I would like that my friends could send the images from any device, any size. They just open the gallery, select the image, and then send it. The rest of it, the system can handle. I don't want to obligate anyone to send the photos in a specific size to fit the watermark.

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Uploads and set the watermark with a width of 1200px, watermark percentage of 100% and, set the maximum image size is 1200px width.
  2. Try to upload an image with more than 1200px width.
😢Unexpected result

After uploading images larger than 1200px, it's clear that the watermark has applied before the image resizing, so the watermark does not fit at all. You can see it with your own eyes. Go to my gallery and take a look at the last ten photos uploaded. Each image was uploaded with a different size, that you can find labeled on the image.

📃Error log message

There's no error log, I guess. It's about the behaviour of the system, not a bug, at least.
I've changed this, now watermarks are generated before medium image resizing. I also improved don't watermark thumbs anymore, only full size + medium.

The patch will be released in the next revision.