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[3.13.5] Missing language variables


Phoenix Foto Service
▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. https://youredomain/signup or login
😢Unexpected result



Missing translation in at least one language. At least in German. (de.po)
File: /app/themes/Peafowl/views/signup.php Row 17
Variable: You can also %s.
Contain variables in the following languages:
  • cs, es, fr, he, it, ja, nl, tr, zn-CN
Variable in German:
[CODE title="de.po" highlight="3"]#, php-format
msgid "You can also %s."
msgstr "Sie können auch die %s"[/CODE]

Missing translations of the social buttons
File: /app/themes/Peafowl/snippets/quickty/login_sozial.php Row: 14
Variable: Continue with %l

[CODE lang="php" title="My current solution"] $tpl = '<a class="social-button social-button--%s" href="%u"><span class="icon icon-%s"> </span><span class="text">'._s('Continue with ').'%l</span></a>';[/CODE]
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It is very odd that the de.po doesn't include the string You can also %s. because it was translated more than one year ago in that language.

I've re-downloaded the translation and it seems that it now includes the alleged string. Most likely this was an error in the translation platform, and I can confirm that the string is missing in several other languages (it is present only in 10 languages).

Missing translations of the social buttons
File: /app/themes/Peafowl/snippets/quickty/login_sozial.php Row: 14
Variable: Continue with %l

That one was a new string added, I've wrapped the string with _s so it should appear to be translatable shortly.

Certainly I will re-download all the translations just in case.