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G+ shared button


Chevereto Member
👉Fill out this template accordingly with the issue you are experiencing. Add relevant files if needed. 🚧🚦Don't @mention to grab attention. Don't edit the titles of this template. Remove this paragraph when done.

🎯Description of the issue

Could you please remove the G+ shared button from social networks. This thing hasn't worked in months.

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. When we open any picture at the bottom of the page we see shared buttons
    G+ button too.

  2. When we click the button we can see the inscription

    When we click the arrow button we can see the inscription:

    Google+ service is no longer available for regular users and brand accounts
😢Unexpected result

It is true. G+ died...

📃Error log message

[Provide any relevant error log entry. You may check our documentation for help on this]
You are right, that thing must get removed. Thanks for let me know about this.