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If the user adds an image multiple times, some images will not be uploaded.


Chevereto Member
If the user adds an image multiple times, some images will not be uploaded.







I meant someone else. Need to know if this is your browser or not.
Sometimes i got this situation but not every time.

For example i choosed 10 pictures, clicked upload, then one or more image still waiting to upload and not finished,

I tried wait for upload long time like 10 minutes but nothing happen. sometimes this situation happen but like i said not everytime.

Also its not network problem because i tried small size images for faster upload.
Sometimes i got this situation but not every time.

For example i choosed 10 pictures, clicked upload, then one or more image still waiting to upload and not finished,

I tried wait for upload long time like 10 minutes but nothing happen. sometimes this situation happen but like i said not everytime.

Also its not network problem because i tried small size images for faster upload.

Thank you, but this is not the same issue.
I think your issue is caused by CloudFlare.

My problem
If the user adds an image multiple times, some images will not be uploaded.
but If you add all the images at once, there is no issue.

I don't think it's a browser issue.
because this issue is feedback from other users of my site, and I found this issue on my other 3 sites and demo.chevereto.com.

macOS Chrome
macOS Safari
macOS Firefox
Windows Chrome
Fixed, it will get added in the next revision. The patch is already working on the demo website (you may need to clear your browser cache).
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