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Not showing recent images as described.

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Chevereto Member
▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Homepage >
  2. At bottom of the page, go "User IDs" leave it empty and save.
  3. Visit Homepage, instead of recent images, you will see Trending images.
😢Unexpected result

Under User IDs filed it says "Comma-separated list of target user IDs to show images on homepage. Leave it empty to display all recent images."

✋my opinion only
I love the idea of trending images, but after a week the homepage looks very statistic hence the top images are getting more click and all other new images are hidden on the next pages.
Trending should be time based in my opinion.
I have mine empty and it shows "Trending" in the split+homepage layout, even if it says it should show recent if you leave it empty.

EDIT; I want it to show trending, but I can't find an option to make it show recent.
By the way, that text is wrong the thing shows trending if you leave empty.

I will fix the text.
By the way, that text is wrong the thing shows trending if you leave empty.

I will fix the text.
Thanks, would be great if we had that option to show recent images at homepage. Honestly the homepage looks very statistic if we only show the trending.
In my website the first page images had so many hits which makes the website looks ugly.
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