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recaptcha says you are a bot

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Chevereto Member
▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Enable recaptcha 3 under external services
  2. Enter key and secret for v3
  3. Set threshold to 0
  4. Open registration page and click on Facebook login to register
  5. you will be asked to enter your email address
  6. recaptcha says you are a bot

😢Unexpected result

when users register to the website via Facebook (or perhaps other social media logins) they will be asked to enter their email address, then system throws "recaptcha says you are a bot".
Took me a lot of time to find this one, but I finally did. The patch is already applied on the demo and it will be included in the next release.

Thank you for letting me know about this.
Thank you!

Btw, why don’t we get the email address from Facebook and Google API? Therefore there will be no need to do email confirmation? I understand VK doesn’t provide email address in their API but Google and Facebook does!
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