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issue in mobile devices using 3 columns

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Chevereto Member
▶🚶‍ Steps to reproduce
  1. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Listings > Listing columns number > Phone (enter 3) and save changes
  2. From your mobile device 📱 Go to Explore > Recent (or any other) and initially you'll see everything ok:

3. scroll down > then go up again and you'll see that the first 3 images hide almost completely:


😢Unexpected result

3 first images almost hide and stay hidden.

📝Notes: Tested in iphone SE and iphone 8, with several browsers, theme Peafowl, no major customizations. all clean.

💡Off-topic design / suggestion: fixed / sticky elements in mobile devices are so bad. real state screen in mobile devices is very important.

📃Error log message

I'm also experiencing some "chopping" in the first row. Bug confirmed at my end.
Fixed, patch will be included in the next revision.

Thank you for reporting this.
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