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reCAPTCHA not enabled on contact page when threshold >0

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👽 Chevereto Freak
🎯Description of the issue

After recent update, it seems reCAPTCHA on contact page only get enabled when threshold is set to 0. Earlier it was on by default on contact page irrespective of threshold setting as threshold got applied only for login.

I want to enable it by default on contact page due to spam emails. But want to keep it disabled for first two or three login attempts as many users complained new reCAPTCHA v3 saying they are bots when they are using older browsers.

Not sure if this is bug or expected behavior.

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Go to Dashboard > Settings > External services
  2. Enable reCAPTCHA v3 or v2 and set threshold to 3
  3. Open contact page and check for reCAPTCHA logo
😢Unexpected result

reCAPTCHA is missing from contact page.

📃Error log message

no errors
The threshold needs a little tweak, I've already addressed it. You can try the demo for it.

If you want to try the patch applied to demo, simply change this:
if (getSetting('recaptcha') && $failed_access_requests['day'] >= getSetting('recaptcha_threshold')) {

To this:
if (getSetting('recaptcha') && $failed_access_requests['day'] > getSetting('recaptcha_threshold')) {

Regarding not showing when threshold is set to 0, that's because you need to merge the changes on contact.php in your actual .php pages. Tested both on local and remote and works.
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