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Guest albums bug (private)

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💖 Chevereto Fan
🎯Description of the issue

Hidden album contents visible in explore

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Create a private album with link
  2. Look in explore
😢Unexpected result

Album contents listing in explore also album listing in explore->albums section.

Also when mark all images hidden in album then nothing view in albums link.
Hi there,

Make sure that you aren't login as admin or as the owner of the content because listings are sensitive to that.

Check with another browser and if the problem persists then please let me know.

I tried Firefox and Internet explorer, uploaded 2 photos public as guest and created album private on link.

Album is still showing in explore with content thumbs, also photos still showing in explore.

Also i tried upload 2 private photos as guest and create albums private on link, then album still showing in explore with thumbs but when i access album with link, albums is empty.

Each try i cleaned cache and everything, tried mobile and different computer. Still same.
Hey, I've found the cause of this bug and I've already updated the demo to reflect this. Feel free to try it out.


The patch will be included in the next revision. ✌
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