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recaptcha says you are a bot

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👽 Chevereto Freak
After recent update, I started getting too many spam via contact page. When I checked contact page, I could no longer find recaptcha. I was using recpatcha version 2, so I upgraded it to version 3. Still no sign of recaptcha on the contact page, so I set threshold to 0 and a small logo appear at the bottom corner.

However, no matter what I fill, I get error "reCAPTCHA says you are a robot". I tried from 3 different computers with different internet. Tested on demo site and confirmed the issue.

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Enable recaptcha 3 or 2 under external services
  2. Enter key and secret for v3/2
  3. Set threshold to 0
  4. Open contact page and fill the details to submit
😢Unexpected result

reCAPTCHA says you are a robot. Screenshot attached

📃Error log message

No other errors in logs.


  • Capture.PNG
    81.5 KB · Views: 15
Is just the contact form or this affects other instances of recaptcha?
Is just the contact form or this affects other instances of recaptcha?
When I tried to login to demo site I got the same message, but got logged in when I refreshed. This is affecting recaptcha v2 as well.

Is this the invisible implementation of recaptcha? I don't see any tick box on the page, just a logo on bottom right corner.
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