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Album changes back to Public

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👽 Chevereto Freak
▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
When you going to create a album and you choose private and click create. Then album goes into public mode anyway.

you can try this by going to your profile ---> create album ---> set album as private and click create and then click edit album and you will see it's set to Public again.
Before it would stay in private after creation.

But when you edit album after and put it as private then it goes into private mode, it only does this when creating the album.

😢Unexpected result

No error just that the album won't be set as private after creating and choosing private, instead it switches to public.

📃Error log message

Don't have any error logs.
1. Creating a private album from Profile > Create album > Private (just me) actually creates a public album. This only affects the creation of the alleged album.
2. Doing the same described in (1) but with "Private (anyone with the link)" or with "Private (password protected)" works fine.

The album never "switches", it just ignore the private parameter.

Bug confirmed.
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