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Not a bug, and the fact is that your server is not doing CORS properly. Not script issue at all.
if (!CHV\Ip_ban::update(['id' => $id], $editing)) {
throw new Exception('Failed to edit IP ban', 400);
public static function update($where=[], $values=[]) {
try {
if($values['ip']) {
$values['ip'] = str_replace('*', '%', $values['ip']);
return DB::update('ip_bans', $values, $where);
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new Ip_banException($e->getMessage(), 400);
$delete_category = CHV\DB::delete('categories', ['id' => $deleting['id']]);
if ($delete_category) {
$update_images = CHV\DB::update('images', ['category_id' => null], ['category_id' => $deleting['id']]);
} else {
throw new Exception('Error deleting category', 400);
And the reply from @tomsit at Tuesday at 1:44 PM (3 days ago) was about CORS.Upload start well when I am on my domain. But don't start when I am on a subdomain.