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1 database 2 websites same content on both ? is it possible ?


💖 Chevereto Fan

So this is my idea :

Site1 is a .com
Site 2 is a .gallery

Both should have only one language available so site1 english and site2 “anything else”. So in theory they are 2 separate websites. But to start from 0 is a bit hard so what if I can have the 2 sites on one database… so like if user 1 registers on site1 he can log in to site2 (if he knows about it) and what ever he uploads on site1 will come up on site2 too as new content. So ultimately the 2 sites are building each other without being on 1 domain…

Is it even possible ? or I just had a crazy bad idea to build 2 site parallel to each other for 2 countries ? :D

Maybe is possible but I won't consider it for Chevereto.