• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. M

    Last login date for users

    💡Describe your Feature request A field in user profile showing last login date for users. This will be useful for admin to cleanup accounts not logged in for xxx days. Also, helpful in terms of security to see if someone else tried to access an account. 👏Where did you saw this? Most online...
  2. E

    User last login

    Hi, could someone explain me how to get the information about the last user login from DB. I know it's stored in chv_logins, but I don't know how to implement it on your site. I added a custom column in chv_users -> "user_lastdate" and it needs to be updated every time the user returns to the...
  3. D

    Configure User Pages to Show Admin Albums by Default

    Hello all, Is it possible to configure user accounts to show the most recent images or albums posted by the album by default? I'm using Cheverto to share photos with people, but users will not be uploading their own photos and have no need to access their profile by default.
  4. M

    Users are being 'auto' deleted

    🎯Description of the issue I previously had an issue with 'images' not deleting. Since that issue has been fixed, I have been noticing that each time images are deleted, I'm also losing 'users'. The number of registered users is constantly going down, than back up and than back down...
  5. M

    Let's talk numbers!

    Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to this forum and I've been using Chevereto for some time now. I'm currently running Chevereto on a single website that is operational, we wanted to first see whether we can create something (even on a small scale) that would generate us a profit as a business...
  6. S

    Offer guest to become a registered user

    I use a free version of a script for now. Some of my vizitors upload dozens of photos as guests. May be it's possible to implement such feature: - Guest uploads [X] photos per session (or Y photos per Z days), - System detects that all photos are owned by specific guest using some flag in...
  7. Saxbald

    HTML in bio

    Hi, Is there a way that I can offer my users the use of HTML (or BBCode) in their bio's? Saxbald