• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Wolfspyre

    Articulate the strategy Site admins should employ for managing multiple orthogonal cohorts of images,

    I believe there is a legitimate use case for the pattern of one chevereto database (and PERHAPS) one deployment of the php app supporting multiple sibling image cohort contexts… I don't have a STRONG idea of how best to achieve the desired goal of: I have distinct bubbles of contextually...
  2. U

    Allow multiple users to upload photos to the same album

    💡Describe your Feature request Allow an admin to create an album for a group event. Allow users to upload their photos to same event album. 👏Where did you saw this? Shutterfly groups allowed this but has been discontinued. 🔥Interest outside our community There are a ton of similar groups to...
  3. Rodolfo

    User groups

    User groups. Target release 4.X Tracker User groups (trello) References https://chevereto.com/community/threads/add-new-user-premission-groups.10393/ https://chevereto.com/community/threads/subscription-module-user-groups-duplicate-post-but-check.7088/...