• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. vevioz

    Can Chevereto be installed in a directory or path?

    Hello friends, can Chevereto be installed in a directory or path? For example at https://www.vevioz.com/directory
  2. Picn

    External storage images not deleting

    I spent the whole day with a clean install of Chevereto version: 3.18.0. The cron is installed, but for some reason it does not delete images on the external server. On the current one everything ok. Please help. Using FTP connection.
  3. myVortexServersNetworks

    Cloud or Dedicated Servers?

    I am curious to hear your feedback and ideas in regarding using either Chevereto on Cloud or Dedicated Servers and where and why? I am using Cloud hosting at the moment because of root access and no incode file limits and I get higher RAM and pure bandwidth. Thanks
  4. bee

    All images are deleted, again

    ▶🚶‍ Reproduction steps Open website and all images are deleted, only broken images in the DB On sFTP storage the images are deleted. Old images - not in the DB - are still available in the directory. So, this time the sFTP storage is not completly deleted. 😢 Unexpected result No images...
  5. tomsit

    Vultr Cloud Hosting with Serverpilot

    Hi guys. I wanted to share with you my current solution which is quite easy and managable. First off, I recommend Vultr Hosting. Their controlpanel is amazing, it gives you an neat and slick overview with the functions you need. Vultr also have an phone app which is very good for monitoring and...
  6. darkufo

    Please help a Noob :) - syntax error, unexpected '['

    Hi, Just purchased Cheverto and uploaded the Web Loader to my server. I copied the index.php file to a new folder on my server. I then loaded the file in my browser but I got this error. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/spoilert/public_html/gallery/index.php on line 83 I'm...
  7. ronaldst

    Error after moving server

    I moved all the files and the database to a new hosting server. Still running on the same domain though. Thought everything was good but I was mistaken, I'm now seeing this error: Can't find lib/G/G.php Can you please point me into the correct direction before I use my own clumsy fingers? Thanks!