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  1. anyilin

    Social account login & Register an account

    ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Go to Dashboard > Settings > Users > Enable signups > Disabled Go to Dashboard > Settings > Users > Require email for social signup > Enabled Try to login with a social account (No prior registration) 😢Unexpected result The register will be successfully guided to the...
  2. S

    Offer guest to become a registered user

    I use a free version of a script for now. Some of my vizitors upload dozens of photos as guests. May be it's possible to implement such feature: - Guest uploads [X] photos per session (or Y photos per Z days), - System detects that all photos are owned by specific guest using some flag in...
  3. M

    Defin user role - registration by invitation only

    hi, before i buy a license, i want to know 2 things; 1- i want to have registration by invitation only site that just people that have invitation link can register on my site. does chevereto has this option or ability to add this option? 2- is it possible to define different user role...