• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. DeCysos

    Search function for your own account

    💡Describe your Feature request You can run the website in community mode or keep it a little more private so that not all users can see each other's content. This works quite well with the discovery mode, but currently with the search function, all content (of each user) that matches the...
  2. N

    Password protected albums not displayed in album view.

    This has me a bit baffled, as previously on the community / free version it was functioning perfectly fine. Is this something I am just overlooking? Previously when I had an album set to password protected, the album name would still display when not logged in, however upon clicking it would...
  3. R

    Visibility/Permissions issues with private/public albums

    I don't know where else to ask to clarify, so maybe it's a bug ... There are different privacy settings for an album and I assume their behaviour changed during the last couple of releases. My own use case is something like: I have a private page with a few registered users (no registration...
  4. M

    Thinking about buying.. but having privacy setting issues

    Hey there - Currently running: Chevereto Free 1.0.7 URL: http://i.hnsn.me Current privacy settings Website Mode: Community Website Privacy Mode: Private Content Privacy Mode: Force Private (anyone with the link) Expected Result: My understanding is that with my current set up, a URL such as...
  5. T

    Private to Album

    Having done a few uploads to my Chevereto lately I've found that the way it seems to handle uploads for registered users is a bit lacking. When uploading you can select whether it is private or public, but if you select private then it does not give you the option that the public upload gives...
  6. T

    Sessions List/End

    Somewhere in the profile menu OR actually in the profile itself that displays other sessions that are logged into your account either by showing the IPs or a section of the cookie used (If you don't want to display IPs for privacy concerns) With an possible "End session" (Or delete cookie)...
  7. T

    Admin user as user (Privacy)

    I've noticed that in 3.7.2 there is a section in the admin dashboard to view all images/albums. I would like to propose that given that fact, normal admin navigation of the site is treated as though they are normal users. Which means when they explore, if there are images they wouldn't normally...
  8. MrsUndertaker

    Add TOS, Privacy, and Contact links to login page

    I see the about menu after logging in with the TOS, Privacy and Contact links - how can I show those on the login screen? not the About menu, just those links?