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  1. DeCysos

    Mobile Firefox - Thumbnail embed codes ensures scrolling up

    ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Take your cell phone Open your Firefox Browser (version 68.3.0) go to website: https://clean.pfs.red/image/recycle-1730163-640.O47 or https://demo.chevereto.com/i/recycle-1730163-640.CGL press button: Embed codes Scroll down 😢Unexpected result If you scroll down and are...
  2. mattburris

    Homepage cover slideshow, mobile data usage hog?

    Hey all, I'm new here. I did some Googling around but couldn't find anything on this specific subject. If I were to use a lot of cover images for the homepage slideshow, would this incur a large amount of data usage? If so, this could be disconcerting for those visiting the site via a mobile...