• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. alxndr.official

    0RHUX: The Community for Image and Video Enthusiasts!

    Hello dear forum members, Today, I'm excited to introduce you to an exciting new project: 0RHUX. 0RHUX is an emerging platform for anyone looking to share their love for visual art. Whether you're a photographer, videographer, artist, or simply a visual enthusiast, at 0RHUX, you'll find...
  2. pebro

    How to click on an image in detail and not in a popup window

    I need to set the web to display the image detail page directly when clicking on the image (in the category and search), so that the image preview does not open in a popup window. How do you set it up, please? Thank you very much.
  3. S

    Crop Original Image before upload

    Hi, I installed the chevereto image hosting script on the website that works fine. But I would like to crop the original image a little bit before uploading it to the server. I tried to figure out the solution related to it but didn't get anything. Can you please send me any solution or code...
  4. F

    Direct Image Link

    👉Fill out this template accordingly with the issue you are experiencing. Add relevant files if needed. 🚧🚦Don't @mention to grab attention. Don't edit the titles of this template. Remove this paragraph when done. 🎯Description of the issue [Describe the issue you are experiencing. Example: Is...
  5. P

    gifs.cloud - upload & search for new funny gif images!

    gifs.cloud upload gifs | discover new funny gifs | share gif images
  6. V

    Social sharing not fetching link preview for image

    Social sharing not fetching link preview for image. But showing only homepage pic http://prntscr.com/fln40z
  7. ronaldst


    I've been running this site as hobby project for about a year now. More or less default Chevereto. Running on a very stable and fast host located in EU and I welcome any user who find image sharing useful. https://sharplr.com
  8. imghut


    I thought this would be fun so I stared a site, even had a logo designed on fiverr for a fiver ;) will be interesting to watch it grow (if it grows) if not at least I can have unlimited websites with the host so I can move all my other dead sites and actually save money :rolleyes::) 120MB limit...
  9. bobbysamai

    photorating.net / 4k image hosting

    Hi Community, I've added another site to my growing portfolio, check it out and let me know what you think! http://www.photorating.net
  10. T

    Multi category

    is any way to upload image or edit image and select multi category for it?
  11. NanJingCunBa

    Can you add a batch to fill in the picture name?

    Can you add a batch to fill in the picture name?Batch modify image name
  12. H

    Image rotation manually afterwards?

    I have already noticed another thread which says that Chevereto can automatically rotate picture if needed. However, it is common problem that the images are laying on their side. Somehow it just happens. Therefore i suggest manual correction could be very useful feature and i see it should...
  13. J

    Embed Images From User Accounts in to HTML Code

    I'm building a virtual gallery And I would like to take a users gallery images and embed them in to the following code <a-image src="User Image 1" rotation="0 0 0" position="0 2 -11.4"></a-image> <a-image src="User Image 2" rotation="0 0 0" position="0 2 -11.4"></a-image> And so on I've got...