• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. D

    Contact field on user profile

    💡Describe your Feature request Since Chevereto doesn't have a private message feature, it would be nice to have an email/contact field that show up on profile with a icon and mailto link.
  2. F

    Admin can send message to all registered users

    Hello folks I was jsut thinking something i think will be very powerful if script can be updated with option to admin can send message to all registered users at once. Example to email or as message system( we not have message system,maybe in future). I wanna hear your opinion guys...
  3. myVortexServersNetworks

    Sendgrid issues

    My site is using SendGrid for while, till now when i got a email says there is a error. it now says this error "SMTP Error: data not accepted." I checked SG dashboard it says email not ingerated, wth? I've added the MX records and all that already. I'm lost, thoughts?
  4. madlaxcb

    [solved]Feature request:Add an option : Sent BCC email.

    💡Describe your idea Add an option : Sent BCC email. 👏Where did you saw this? I build my own email server with Mail-in-a-Box .Then i found all my user signup email can sent successfully,but i can't find the email in the Sent mail folder . I found this : Show mails sent with SMTP in SentMail...
  5. S

    FREE Send Newsletters Mod From Chevereto Mods

    Hi Everyone Today i created a really simple newsletter mod for Chevereto. Newsletter signup POPUP will appear when user tried to leave site asking user to join newsletter Once the user has registered they will see another page telling then they have successfully signed up and can remove...
  6. Youssef

    Prohibit temporary service mails

    To avoid spam there are sites that can temporarily obtain a disposable email address. These sites, such as Yopmail, Jetable.org, Guerillamail, Incognitomail, Spambox or Trashmail are convenient for users but it's less funny when you're on the other side and you try to provide quality. It is...
  7. C


    Hello, I am having some difficulty with my email. I am using the webmail from Dreamhost and it works when I send an email to the admin account of my website from my home computer using hotmail or gmail, however I do not receive any emails when a registered user sends an email to my sites...
  8. fofwisdom

    Email config failed for localhost

    Outside mail server is fine. But localhost can't access it. No error log. Please see that my video.
  9. F

    Important Changes to Mandrill

    I know a lot of you here use Mandrill for sending your Chevereto mail (including myself).. I'm guessing It's okay to post this? think it's the right section if it's okay? What you need to know The application's functionality and look and feel are not changing at this time. Here are the...