• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. madlaxcb

    Notes on migrating Chevereto's database from MySQL 8 to MariaDB 10

    The following are all machine translations Migration of chevereto's database from MySQL 8 to MariaDB 10 may result in missing tables. Last night, My Chevereto server was moved from Western United States to the OVH French machine, with the intention of reducing the server expenditure. The old...
  2. K

    update or delete a table data in the database on the route page I added.

    Hi, All I want is to pull, update or delete a table data in the database on the route page I added. What kind of query should I use for this, I could not see the documents: https://g.chevereto.com/ Example i create one page for developer: https://depotic.com/developer and i create one table in...
  3. 1200

    How to create a Chevereto user or other operations in the database?

    I want to reconstruct the Chevereto image program, but I don't want to completely discard the old Chevereto data, How do I write some of the data from the old Chevereto image site in a newly created Chevereto site database? For example, I just want to write a piece of user data on the old...
  4. T

    Database Issue after update

    🎯Description of the issue I updated the version and it gave an error that Can't connect to https://tryimg.com/update. After the page was refreshed it showed me another error screen that I need to manually update the SQL with a query. When I'm trying that query in phpMyAdmin, its giving me...
  5. tomsit

    [GUIDE] Export Mail Addresses from your Database

    HOW TO EXPORT EMAIL ADDRESSES Requirements for this guide phpMyAdmin A record of messing up databases (if you have ever doomed a database, you know what you shouldn't do) - Ok, just follow this to point and you'll be good Backup your database before doing anything (if you don't know how...
  6. D

    Adding new field to database and populating it on image upload/edit

    Hello, we have an external application that can save images to our Chevereto gallery. While these images are public domain, we'd still like to provide a link to the image source page. So we added a field for "attribution" to the chv_images table. Images uploaded from our external app populate...
  7. H

    Upload problems after change of hosting

    I have some time been seeking for a better hosting. I once moved the Chevereto installation with no problems at all, but after another move yesterday there has been some difficulties. There still is strange upload / thumbnail behavior, which I don't quite understand. I am unable to solve it...
  8. U

    Connect to the database question

    Acabo de ver que tenía un mail tuyo diciendo que hubo un error con la instalación, te lo responderé con la información que me pides, así que supongo que este ticket de soporte ya no tiene sentido, gracias. Hola Rodolfo, espero que puedas atenderme en español ya que mi inglés no es muy bueno y...
  9. allthewaylive

    Amazon Databases

    Hi, can someone give me an answer to my question, I want to create an app where users can upload, and access their photos so, and add them to a web page. (That's what I'm using cheverato for. Do i really need amazon? I saw a thread on it, but the language was too technical for my tiny mind...
  10. T

    Extreme Pathetic Service of ARVIXE, Need Help

    I have three queries: 1- I'm not sure if you can help in this regard or not. My account with ARVIXE was about to expire and 14 days prior to the expiry they auto-renewed my account and charged me. There was nothing mentioned in the contract / terms and condition or AUP that they will...
  11. bee

    SSL database connection

    Hi. What did I need to change to use a db connection through SSL? After last night my database crashed again, I want to test the SQL server from Google Cloud. There is an option to enable SSL connections to the SQL server and I want to try this. Connections without SSL works fine - but when my...
  12. D

    Help! Can't login (messed up)

    I messed up pretty badly. I've got 2 Chevereto sites. Yesterday, I accidentally uploaded the /app/settings.php file of site A into the /app/ folder of site B, overwriting the existing settings.php file. So this morning site B looked completely messed up, no images, no background etc. Site B was...