• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. myVortexServersNetworks

    Cloud or Dedicated Servers?

    I am curious to hear your feedback and ideas in regarding using either Chevereto on Cloud or Dedicated Servers and where and why? I am using Cloud hosting at the moment because of root access and no incode file limits and I get higher RAM and pure bandwidth. Thanks
  2. sprindesk

    Add backblaze as another cloud storage.

    backblaze is much cheapest on pricing than other . have a look on it - https://www.backblaze.com/b2/cloud-storage-pricing.html
  3. P

    gifs.cloud - upload & search for new funny gif images!

    gifs.cloud upload gifs | discover new funny gifs | share gif images
  4. sprindesk

    please add photo upload from dropbox , googledrive , onedrive, other cloud app and ftp

    please add Import from dropbox , googledrive , onedrive, other cloud app and ftp
  5. bee

    SSL database connection

    Hi. What did I need to change to use a db connection through SSL? After last night my database crashed again, I want to test the SQL server from Google Cloud. There is an option to enable SSL connections to the SQL server and I want to try this. Connections without SSL works fine - but when my...
  6. J

    External Google Cloud Storage

    I cant create external storage while i get an error: Datenspeicher kann nicht eingefügt werden. Error: Unable to parse the p12 file. Is this a .p12 file? Is the password correct? OpenSSL error: I use php-fpm 7.0.4 ubuntu 16.04
  7. H

    Amazon S3 ...almost working

    I decided to put the pictures to S3. I am very close to get all the bells and whistles working, but something is still missing. I bet you can easily lead me to the final solution. :cool: Already working: The S3 storage is working, all the pictures nicely upload to the service and I can see...