• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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chevereto 4

  1. gustavorwm

    ¿Ya no hay actualizacion es automaticas?

    Tengo Chevereto 4.0.2 y quiero actualizar a la ultima version pero no se como hacerlo, el auto updater parece que no funciona. ▶ Reproduction steps Ingreso al panel de administracion y voy a revisar las actualizaciones. Me dice que esta disponible la version 4.0.7 y viene un boton que dice...
  2. Rodolfo

    Building the next-gen Chevereto: Your opinion matters

    Our own brand new PHP 7 based application framework, Chevere ("cool" in Spanish), is shaping the guts of the next-gen Chevereto. This process started more than one year ago, and it demanded a complete code rewrite which is still on-going. The business model is also going to change thanks to the...
  3. Youssef

    Finalization of version 4?

    @Rodolfo is what the framework of version 4 is finished? Because most of the features I do not need can be added version 3. Cordialy