• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. TigerDragon


    Google :-( ▶ Reproduction steps Google /dashboard/settings/social-networks Google client id and Google client secret 😢 Unexpected result Chevere\Throwable\Exceptions\ErrorException thrown in /mnt/web019/b1/60/510057160/htdocs/Chevereto1/app/legacy/routes/connect.php:226 📃 Error log message...
  2. TigerDragon


    Twitter :-( ▶ Reproduction steps Twitter /dashboard/settings/social-networks Twitter API key and Twitter API secret 😢 Unexpected result OutOfBoundsException thrown in /mnt/web019/b1/60/510057160/htdocs/Chevereto1/app/vendor/php-ds/php-ds/src/Map.php:501 📃 Error log message # Incident...
  3. TigerDragon

    in /mnt/web019/b1/60/510057160/htdocs/Chevereto1/app/src/Legacy/Classes/ImageResize.php:98

    Explore -> Photo :( ▶ Reproduction steps Explore 😢 Unexpected result Error thrown in /mnt/web019/b1/60/510057160/htdocs/Chevereto1/app/src/Legacy/Classes/ImageResize.php:98 📃 Error log message Typed property Chevereto\Legacy\Classes\ImageResize::$width must not be accessed before...
  4. TigerDragon

    (4.0) in /mnt/web019/b1/60/510057160/htdocs/Chevereto1/legacy/themes/Peafowl/snippets/listing.php:51

    plm albums and images 1/2 minute ▶ Reproduction steps Photo albums images 😢 Unexpected result Chevere\Exceptions\Core\ErrorException thrown in /mnt/web019/b1/60/510057160/htdocs/Chevereto1/legacy/themes/Peafowl/snippets/listing.php:51 📃 Error log message Message [Code #8192] Constant...
  5. TigerDragon

    Chevere\Exceptions\Core\ErrorException thrown in /mnt/web019/b1/60/510057160/htdocs/Chevereto/app/src/Components/Legacy/functions.php:275

    Admin plm ▶ Reproduction steps Admin Dashoard 😢 Unexpected result Chevere\Exceptions\Core\ErrorException thrown in /mnt/web019/b1/60/510057160/htdocs/Chevereto/app/src/Components/Legacy/functions.php:275 📃 Error log message # Message [Code #2] Undefined array key "SERVER_ADDR" # Incident...
  6. TigerDragon

    V4 TypeError thrown in /mnt/web019/b1/60/510057160/htdocs/Chevereto/app/src/Components/Legacy/G/DB.php:35

    ▶ Reproduction steps 1. Database or plm ? 😢 Unexpected result TypeError thrown in /mnt/web019/b1/60/510057160/htdocs/Chevereto/app/src/Components/Legacy/G/DB.php:35 📃 Message Chevereto\Components\Legacy\G\DB::__construct(): Argument #8 ($tablePrefix) must be of type string, null given, called...
  7. R

    TypeError thrown in /var/www/html/app/src/Components/Legacy/G/functions.php:1501

    ▶ Reproduction steps Change from community to personal mode 😢 Unexpected result TypeError thrown in /var/www/html/app/src/Components/Legacy/G/functions.php:1501 📃 # Message Chevereto\Components\Legacy\G\get_base_url(): Argument #1 ($path) must be of type string, null given, called in...
  8. Rodolfo

    Chevereto v4.0 "macanudo" announcement

    Dear all, Blog: Chevereto Macanudo With release v4.0 (macanudo) I'm improving on coqueto with the addition of improved third-party login support (which was delayed since V3.17) and the addition of the user based API. Macanudo is all about making Chevereto more open to its users, hence the...