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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

[NB 1.9] Chrome right click uploader


Chevereto Noob
[NB 1.9] Chrome right click uploader by Astramak
Extend for upload imaged by right click now and for the chrome 🙂


Demo: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/hajopjfclddkghhobpeaeddffcmmafon

Download: http://netmalbert.ru/download/ChromeExt.zip

Okay, now what you need to make this working 🙂
  • Unzip extension[/*]
  • Open Chrome
  • Open Tools > Extensions. [/*]
  • Open Developer mode [/*]
  • Click the Load unpacked extension button. [/*]
  • In the file dialog, navigate to your extension's folder and click OK.[/*]

You seen something like this:

This archive upload images to demo.chevereto.com, for change adresses on yours open background.html
Edit 6 line
            var baseUrl="http://demo.chevereto.com/?url="+ctx.srcUrl;

and 11
            var baseUrl="http://demo.chevereto.com/?urlrez="+ctx.srcUrl;

Also change locales and options page.
If you need upload extension to chrome extension library or pack ext. - read google FAQ`s how it made.
your site is down or something i cant download the addon 🙁

can anyone help? anyone has a backup